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Institute for Public Policy Research publishes report into prosperity and justice after the Covid-19 pandemic

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has published Prosperity and justice after the pandemic.

The report says that the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the existing challenges facing the UK economy but has also created an opportunity to ‘build back better’.  However the IPPR says that ‘building back better’ must mean creating an economy that delivers both prosperity and justice for all citizens and, in addition to increasing investment, needs damaging concentrations of power to be challenged.

The IPPR’s Centre for Economic Justice has identified four key power shifts that it believes policy makers need to address:

  • Power needs to be shifted to employees and workers, from employers and shareholders
  • Power needs to be shifted to companies that work in the interest of society from those that extract from society
  • Power needs to shift to those who are locked out of wealth from a system that has locked up wealth and
  • Power needs to be shifted to the nations, regions, and towns of the UK from Whitehall.