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Board and Committee Member Recruitment and Performance

In a co-regulatory world, Board members are ultimately responsible for the performance of Registered Providers and for compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Regulatory Standards.  The Regulator recognises the important role that Board members play in governance by requiring that providers “manage their affairs with an appropriate degree of skill, independence, diligence, effectiveness, prudence and foresight”.


How we can help

We can help you to bring new Board and Committee members into your organisations and to assess and improve the performance of individual Board and Committee members.


A diverse group of board members, with an appropriate range of skills and experience is essential to delivering your strategic objectives.  We can assist you with recruiting Board and Committee members.  We can run your recruitment exercise in its entirety or we can support you at various points of the process including longlisting, shortlisting and interviewing.


The appraisal of Board and Committee members is crucial to the effectiveness of individuals and in turn to the effectiveness of the Boards and Committees of which they are members. We can assist you by supporting you in individual appraisals, by bringing independent objectivity to the process.

Skills assessments

Providers should periodically assess the skills which their Board and Committee members possess, set in the context of the organisation’s existing and anticipated needs.  We can help you to identify existing and anticipated required skills, assess the extent to which Board and Committee members possess those skills and formulate a plan for addressing any identified gaps.

Mentoring and coaching

From time-to-time providers will have Board or Committee members who are in need of some additional support to enable them to operate successfully in their role.  We can help by coaching or mentoring individual Board and Committee members to enable them to improve their performance and fulfil their potential.

All of our work is bespoke and shaped specifically for each client to meet their needs. We assure you of our discretion – you can contact us here