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Regulator of Social Housing publishes Regulatory Notice for London Borough of Greenwich

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has published a Regulatory Notice (RN) for London Borough (LB) of Greenwich.

LB Greenwich made a self-referral to the RSH in relation to a failure to meet statutory health and safety requirements in some of its homes.  The RSH has subsequently concluded that the Council has failed to meet statutory health and safety requirements in a number of areas:

  • For more than 400 properties there were outstanding fire risk assessments (FRAs) and there were hundreds of high-risk remedial actions from FRAs which were also outstanding
  • For more than 1,000 communal areas and in excess of 10,000 domestic properties the Council did not have a current electrical condition report
  • For hundreds of blocks RB Greenwich did not have valid communal asbestos surveys and there were just over 300 overdue high risk remedial actions which had not been complete since July 2019 and
  • For more than 80 residential communal blocks the Council did not have current risk assessments on water safety.

The RSH found LB Greenwich to be in breach of the Home Standard and that as a consequence there was the potential for serious detriment to tenants.

All of the RJs, RNs and GUR listings published by the RSH can be viewed on the RSH’s website here.