In the week commencing Monday 4 September 2023 the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) published:
- a consultation on changes to its fees regime. The proposed changes which reflect the RSH’s new pro-active approach to regulating the Consumer Standards would see the annual fee for a large Private Registered Provider increase from £5.40 per unit to between £9 and £10 per unit
- a non-compliant (G3/V3) Regulatory Judgement for Octavia Housing after the RSH found significant issues with the provider’s financial planning, as well as a failure by its Board to have appropriate oversight of the organisation
- its report from Quarterly Surveys for the period to 30 June 2023 which shows that the sector’s cash interest cover is the lowest ever recorded and its cash balances are the lowest they have been for over eight years
- a letter sent to all registered providers reiterating that they need to understand the presence and safety implications of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete in their properties
- Gradings Under Review listings forA2Dominion Housing Group and Rosewood Housing Limited as it is investigating matters which may impact on their compliance with the Governance and Financial Viability Standard