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In the week commencing Monday 14 October 2024 the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) published a Regulatory Judgement (RJ) including its first C4 grading on the Consumer Standards for the London Borough of Newham. The RJ has been published following the RSH’s Inspection of the landlord and outlines serious failings in relation to the Safety and Quality Standard and the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard.

Publishing the RJ, Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement at the RSH, said “The breadth and scale of these failings, including very serious health and safety issues, pose an unacceptable risk to tenants’ well-being.  Taking accountability is a critical part of the co-regulatory approach and it is extremely concerning that, despite the gravity of these failings, the landlord failed to refer themselves to us over key issues” and

The RSH also published the Sector Risk Profile (SRP) 2024 which sets out the RSH’s view of the most significant sources of risk to landlords’ ongoing compliance with Regulatory Standards.

Launching the SRP 2024, Fiona MacGregor, Chief Executive at the RSH, said “Most housing associations are investing record amounts in new and existing homes without threatening their financial viability.  However, some individual landlords face particular pressures, and we expect those to sustain for some time before the position eases.  There is very little margin for error, and it is absolutely critical that landlords are well run, with robust  systems for identifying and mitigating risks.  Boards must maintain a real clarity of purpose to successfully navigate these competing demands while remaining financially viable”.